5 Things To Pack In Your International Move Essentials Bag

When you move overseas, getting your household goods to your new home isn't always a straightforward process. Instead, your belongings will likely have to pass through a lengthy customs process. As a result, it might take some time before you have your belongings in your possession. For this reason, it's especially helpful to pack what is known as essentials bag; learn what to include yours.

1. Identification Documents

Ensure you have all of your identification documents for your entire family. In addition to your passport, include your driver's license, birth certificate, and social security card. While you will have to get most of these documents replaced once you arrive at your home in your new country, if you have these documents on hand, it will make the replacement process much easier. 

2. Medical Records

Visit your doctor and ask him or her to provide you with a collection of your most recent medical records. Information like your latest test results, especially if you have a medical condition such as diabetes, will be helpful for your new physician. If you have school-aged children, a list of their vaccination records will also be helpful should they be required for the children to enroll in school in the new country. 

3. Off-Season Clothing

If you happen to be moving to a country with a different climate than where you currently live, bring some off-season clothes. For example, if it's summer where you currently live but fall in the new country, let the movers pack your summer clothes and pack some fall clothing options in your essentials bag. 

4. Favorite Products

Unfortunately, not every product is available in every country. For this reason, if you have a must-have product that you can't live without, it might be a good idea to purchase an extra bottle and pack it in your essentials bag so that you have some extra product on hand until you're able to order some more once you arrive. 

5. Extra Medication

You should also visit your doctor and get a refill of any of your essential medications so that you don't have any delay in taking these medications while you find a new doctor. However, make sure you keep the medication in its original container with your provider's information on the bottle. When you travel through customs, if this information is not listed on the medication bottle, you will likely be unable to bring it into the new country. 

To ensure you don't forget anything, it's always best to start separating objects for your essentials bag ahead of time and setting it aside before the movers arrive. 

For more information, contact a company like International Moving.
