How Storage Units Can Help You In The Covid-19 Pandemic

If you find yourself stuck at home more in the recent months due to the Covid-19 pandemic, you might be noticing that your house is more crowded than you would like. Having excess "stuff" around the house can be a distraction and hinderance to your work, and storage unit rentals might be just what you are looking for. Regardless of your reason for storage units, here are some tips to maximize your storage space.

Clear Out Your Space

A lot of times storage unit rentals are used to house holiday decorations during the off seasons of the year. If you know you will only need these items once a year, place them in a designated location within your storage unit so you can access them easily when the time comes. Whether you are using shelving or stacking of totes and boxes, be sure to place your most used items towards the front of your unit and you will be thankful later. 

Know Where Your Belongings Are

The worst thing that can happen when using a storage unit for temporary needs is to not know where your belongings are. You don't want to spend hours digging for your winter clothes or your holiday decorations, so take the time before putting your things in the storage unit to write on the box a quick label. When you know where everything is, you can find what you are looking for without the headache of having to dig around. 

Protection of Your Belongings 

If you are planning on storing furniture, appliances, antiques, or other valuable items, the best thing to do is to go for the temperature-controlled storage unit rentals. These might be more pricey than a regular unit, but the protection of your belongings from outdoor elements is worth it in the long run. You can rest easy knowing that your unit will not have flooding or get too hot/cold depending on the time of year. Temperature-Controlled storage units also have less unwanted "guests" such as insects or other small rodents.

Store Your Car

If you are working from home due to the pandemic outbreak, chances are you might not be using your car regularly anymore. Vehicles can take up a lot of space and might be better off in a temperature-controlled storage unit. By escaping the extreme heat, cold, or other hazardous weather, you will be protecting your vehicle and providing yourself more space in your garage or on the driveway. 
